How I made it to the bridge table
I am from Germany. Six years ago we moved to the USA, my husband’s home. My mom, a bridge player, was happy to learn that we moved to Fort Collins, CO because it has a large bridge community. The first year she visited, I drove her to the different clubs up to five times per week. No, she didn’t want to see the mountains or go to the lakes. She wanted to play bridge.
The next time she visited she left with this announcement: I’ll visit again when we can play bridge together!
I accepted the challenge as I love to play cards. I didn’t know what kind of adventure was ahead.
It took some attempts
Completely new to bridge, I played with some women from my golf group, having a lifelong bridge player as our teacher. She tried to give us an overview of the basics. We played in the kitchen, ate cake, talked and laughed a lot.
Learn Bridge in a Day was a next step, which I read about in the newspapers, and signed up. We had an introduction class, every table got a mentor and soon we played the first hands. However, this game was different than the one I played with my golf ladies.
At the end of 2016, I was ready to sign up at our senior center for the beginner class with Nila Hobbs. As soon as I marched into that class, I saw Jean, a very familiar face. I play golf with her, we see each other at the gym and we even have the same dentist. Now, here we are together, learning to play this game called bridge.