Sectional tournaments, usually three days, are hosted by units and clubs given special allowances. While there are no restrictions on the number of sectional tournaments a unit may conduct, a District must approve the sanction application before it can be acted upon by the ACBL.
Silver Masterpoints can be earned at face to face clubs in the D17 Sectional Tournaments at Clubs (STaC) weeks held periodically throughout the calendar year.
Sectional tournaments, usually three days, are hosted by units and clubs given special allowances. While there are no restrictions on the number of sectional tournaments a unit may conduct, a District must approve the sanction application before it can be acted upon by the ACBL.
Currently, silver masterpoints can be earned online during Silver Linings Weeks held periodically throughout the calendar year.
Sectional Tournaments at Clubs
Sectional Tournaments at Clubs (STaC) are sectionally rated and staged at participating clubs in a specific geographical area. A STaC can last up to seven days. There are winners and overall places for participants. Silver points are awarded.
District 17 conducts three STaCs annually in January, June and September. Some D17 units sponsor STaCs. Click HERE for to search for STaC tournaments.
For more information about D17 STaCs please contact Bonnie Bagley at 719-593-0205 or [email protected]
Winter Wonderland STaC
January 29th – February 4th
Click Here for Flyer
The Western Conference Board of Directors